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Philips HeartStart OnSite AED


Simple to Operate
Turns on with easy-to-use pull handle

Every HeartStart OnSite comes ready-to-rescue. The device is pre-installed in the carrying case and battery and pads are pre-installed in the device. Simply pull the handle on the front of the AED to activate it.Guided Audio Instruction.Talks you through your training. The HeartStart OnSite provides on-demand audio coaching. Calm, clear voice instructions are tailored to the responder’s actions, providing AED and CPR guidance during the resuscitation of a sudden cardiac arrest victim.

Guaranteed Safe Checkout

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Why Buy the Phillips Heartstart Onsite AED?


The Phillips Heartstart Onsite AED is  lightweight, small, easy to use and has some of the simplest features to use on the market. Phillips is one of the leading AED manufacturers around, a trusted brand in electronics since 1891.

Every Phillips Heart start Onsite AED’s comes ready to go and are. Everything comes pre-installed in the case and the Pads are already installed in the device, all you have to do is pull the handle and follow the prompts.  The guided instruction takes you through the simple steps with calm, clear voice coaching, it is ideal for the lay responders guiding you through every step of the way for resuscitation of the SCA victim.

The Phillips Heart start Onsite AED uses smart biphasic therapy to safely deliver the maximum shock. The unique combination of joules to maximize effectiveness and a lower energy shock to minimize the effects that may be harmful to a heart that has been under duress suffered from a heart attack and cardiac arrest.

The maintenance is simple, it goes through a 120-point test before it even leaves the factory, it conducts self-tests every day, not just weekly. It performs 80 different tests in all, the pads are also tested for rescue readiness.  You can conduct a self-diagnostic by removing the battery and replacing it, the machine will take you through the steps to see if the shock button is functioning.

The Quick Shock feature is a unique feature to the Phillips Heart start Onsite AED. This minimizes the interruptions between vital CPR compressions, programmed to give about 100 compressions a minute, the CPR coaching guides you through the steps of how to do CPR and give rescue breaths. The smart pads also sense the application to the patient’s bare skin, with the conductive gel eases application. They can determine if they have been removed from the cartridge and applied to the patient’s chest. There are options for Adult or Pediatric  pads as well as variety of other accessories. The package includes a Wall cabinet, AED signage, wall signs and an AED check tag.

We have a variety of Phillips AED’s and accessories available. Call us now to get some more information about getting the right Phillips Heartstart Onsite AED package for you.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]


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